Upcoming Connect API Improvements

Nov 13, 2019 5:44:00 PM / by Dustin Luther

On Saturday, November 30th, 2019, we'll be updating our Connect API in ways designed to improve the overall service and data we're able to provide.

enterprise_solutions_creditsafe_api_connectFor customers using our API, this may require some updates to your integration as described within this PDF that lists all of the upcoming Connect API changes. Please take a moment to review the documentation and make any changes required to your instance to minimize disruption. 

Here are some of the new types of data we're adding via the API: 

  • USA (US) – New data added, including interim financial statements and additional payment data (data dictionary attached).
  • Canada (CA) – New data added, including Shareholder, annual and interim financial statements and group structure. Data only available for publicly listed Canadian companies (data dictionary attached).
  • Norway (NO) – New data added, local financial statements (data dictionary attached).
  • UK (GB) – New data added, directors section has the following properties added, Address.Street, Address.City, Address.Province, Nationality. New share details/properties. Each shareholder will have a shareClass array that will contain the following properties: shareType, currency, valuePerShare, jointlyOwned, numberOfSharesOwned, valueOfSharesOwned, additionalData
  • Netherlands (NL) – Added following properties to the Group Structure section, Address.SimpleValue, Address.City, Address.PostalCode.
  • China (CN) – Added Date of Latest Financials to search results.
  • Czech Republic (CZ) & Slovakia (SK) – Added ability to search by National Id (via registration number criteria). 
  • Belgium (BE) – New data added (data dictionary attached) Currency values added to the following financial items… - ShareCapitalStructure/ShareCapitalCurrency - MinorityShareholder/CreditLimitCurrency - MinorityInterest/CreditLimitCurrency - LimitHistory/LimitCurrency - IndustryComparison/IndustryAverageCre

Want to dive a bit deeper, here are updated data dictionaries:

Of course, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your account manager or contact support directly

Topics: data, product updates, customers

Dustin Luther

Written by Dustin Luther

CMO, Creditsafe USA

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